Board of Trustees (Voluntary)
ROB KILpatrick -chair
For the last 30 years Rob has been involved in overseas aid and development and has tried to surround that experience with learning and reflection - having done a masters in anthropology with a development focus and a PhD in business with the focus on business that seeks to build peace in conflict situations. Besides heading Baptist Overseas Mission for a decade he worked for World Vision in helping assess the effect of their interventions in the lives of those they worked along side. He has been on a number of Aid and Development Boards and chaired some as well. Presently he runs a construction business seeking to build affordable housing near where people work.
Rob Pritchard - Business SpecialisT
Rob is Circuit’s business specialist and currently acting as chairperson. Rob has been working as a Business Manager and Practice Director at Fronde for over 18 years, providing digital and business advisory services and technology services to businesses. He and his family have been long-term supporters of Circuit’s development work. He has a powerful ability to cut through detail and ask the right questions, whenever there are big decisions to make as a Board.
Brian Patchett - Financial Specialist
Brian, equipped with the spiritual gift of administration and years of experience, keeps Circuit running as our accountant and financial specialist. He’s always happy to help brainstorm about any tricky situation. He has a booming laugh for any cheeky joke that might come his way. Aside from us, Brian advises and does the finances for multiple other non-profits.
July Seng-Lahpai
July is a former refugee from Myanmar who is now living in NZ. She has completed a commerce degree at Victoria University and currently works for MSD. She is passionate about technology and helping people. She left Myanmar a decade ago, to get a higher education. Despite the immense challenge of not seeing her family for over ten years, she is grateful to be able to go to university and help her community in Myanmar.
ja Bangsar
Although I lived in Myanmar for the first six years of my life, I carry generations of stories of the culture and beauty of Myanmar. I hold a shared vision of how Myanmar could and should be. I am in the early stage of career development within the science field. Sustainable innovation is a big part of my chosen profession. Being a Circuit International board member has allowed me to do what I can to help my people from where I am.
stuart corlett
Stuart is one of the co-founders of Circuit and works for the organisation and is responsible for management of the team in Myanmar, administration in NZ and marketing. Stu is based in Auckland.