Green Water Projects


In 2012, ten minutes changed my life.

I watched a mother and father sell their daughter.

Why? Debt Slavery.

How can a world still exist where this happens?

I made it my life mission to improve the standards of living in Shan State, Northeastern Myanmar so much, that families never had to face such tough decisions again.

I’d like to invite you to join me.

Today we have programmes running in 13 communities across the state of 8 million people. Each community can have been 3 and 6 villages. We’ve been working with around 38 villages. That’s roughly ten thousand households with up to 6 people per house.

That’s quite a reach for a tiny organisation that only raises about $250k nz per year. How have we done it?

We found that the most vulnerable point for families at risk is in debt. Each year farmers must plant their land, but there is little cash available. So they borrow from loan-sharks, usually at extreme interest rates.

How we help.

The key to our programmes is ‘CBL’s’ Community Based Loans… To maximise accountability, we give loans to whole communities. We do not do micro-loans. Because everyone borrows, everyone has a vested interest in making the programme a success.’

With the loan, the community buys Seed and Fertiliser, enough for every person in the community. Crops are planted and harvested. The loan is repaid with interest. Interest is held in an account for the community to draw on as needed. It’s savings…. Next year… repeat.

This is the cycle of a CBL. And it’s a system that works. For every $1 that is raise for projects, we create $6 of value. So, for every one thousand dollars we input, you get six thousand of development value. Bang for your buck, I’d say.

This year we want to invite you to join the fun.

Stu Corlett (Jan 2023)


Water is a source of life and it changes everything.

13 communities across Shan State have requested loans to enable them to build irrigation and water storage systems. On average these can be implemented for approx $15,000 NZD. (Explanation in

We are looking for sponsors for each of these projects.

$15K changes everything.

Most communities have water sources available, but they are often far away from where it’s needed so we need pipes and pumps.

  1. Identify water source

  2. Impact evaluation

  3. Build water system.

  4. Plant new cash crop.

  5. Repay the loan over 5 years.

Note: pumps are to be sustainable. Either human powered or wind-based.

Key points:

$15k = one project.

We need corporate sponsors.

People from Shan State are generally very happy and family oriented. They don’t make the difficult choices they do lightly. While many boys are sent to masteries if families cannot care for them, girls often meet a different fate.

There are 135 recognised ethnic groups in Myanmar. Many in Shan State. War has plagued the state for almost 70 years.

Sandwiched between Thailand, India Myanmar and China, Shan State is home to an estimated 8 Million people.