Frequently Asked Questions

1. I purchased a card and haven’t received it yet. 

Please send us an email at and we will let you know the status of your card. Normal postage times can take up to 3 working days to get to you. 

2. When is the last day to purchase a physical copy of the card? 

December 21st is the last day to order Seed Banks cards so that they arrive to you by Christmas. You can, however, order a downloadable, foldable version here anytime you want!

3. I want to know about the impact my donation/gift is making, how do I find this out?

Check out our handy infographic about this year's Compassionate Christmas. We encourage you to sign up to our regular newsletter, as we send out regular updates about our projects. You can do so here: If you have a specific question that you would like answered, please e-mail your question to

4. What percentage of my donation goes directly to the project?

Currently 93% of all donations that we receive go directly towards our programmes. For more information about how we spend our money, please visit

Where does your money go when you buy a card?

When you buy a card, your money goes towards our New Hope Seed Banks programme.

The aim of this programme is to provide seed and fertiliser to farming communities in Shan State, Myanmar that are in debt and struggling to make ends meet.

Many poor farmers in Shan State are forced to borrow money from illegal moneylenders to pay for seed and fertiliser. Forced to pay back the high-interest loans, many farmers are put to work on their own land, becoming "debt slaves". Their land is confiscated from them when they can’t work off the loan. Driven by the desperation to pay off these exorbitant loans, many families fall victim to human traffickers that prey on the poor.

By providing seed and fertiliser at low interest, we are helping farmers establish a reliable source of income, as well as become more resilient towards debt slavery and human trafficking.

Find out more about New Hope Seed Banks here: